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Announcing Enhanced VCS Integration ๐ŸŽ‰ ๐ŸŽ‰

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Stack Settingsยป

  • Use Run All - If Spacelift should use Terragrunt's run-all functionality in this stack.
  • Smart Sanitization - If Spacelift should use Smart Sanitization for the resources and outputs generated by this stack.
  • Terragrunt Version - Which version or range of versions of Terragrunt should be used
  • Tool - Whether to use OpenTofu, an open source version of Terraform, or a manually provisioned tool.
  • Tool Version - Which version or range of versions of OpenTofu or Terraform should be used


Spacelift makes use of the Version Compatibility Table to determine which version combinations of OpenTofu/Terraform and Terragrunt are compatible with each other.

Environment Variablesยป

In Terragrunt stacks you can use environment variables to add options to the command line arguments sent to Terragrunt. To use these environment variables, you can see the documentation here.

There is an environment variable for each phase of the run:

  • TG_CLI_ARGS_init - Allows you to add options sent to the Terragrunt application during the initalization phase
  • TG_CLI_ARGS_plan - Allows you to add options sent to the Terragrunt application during the planning phase
  • TG_CLI_ARGS_apply - Allows you to add options sent to the Terragrunt application during the applying phase