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Stack Settings»

  • Region - AWS region in which to create and execute the AWS CloudFormation Stack.
  • Stack Name - The name for the CloudFormation Stack controlled by this Spacelift Stack.
  • Entry Template File - The path to the JSON or YAML file describing your root CloudFormation Stack. If you're generating CloudFormation code using a tool like AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) or AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK), point this to the file containing the generated template.
  • Template Bucket - Amazon S3 bucket to store CloudFormation templates in. Each created object will be prefixed by the current run ID like this: <run id>/artifact_name

Special Environment Variables»

CloudFormation Stack Parameters»

Use this if your CloudFormation template requires parameters to be specified.

Each environment variable of the form CF_PARAM_xyz will be interpreted as the value for the parameter xyz.

For example, with this template snippet:

    Type: String
      - t2.micro
      - t2.small
    Description: Enter t2.micro or t2.small.

In order to specify the InstanceTypeParameter add an environment variable to your Stack CF_PARAM_InstanceTypeParameter and set its value to i.e. t2.micro

CloudFormation Stack Capabilities»

Some functionalities available to CloudFormation Stacks need to be explicitly acknowledged using capabilities. You can configure capabilities in Spacelift using environment variables of the form CF_CAPABILITY_xyz and set them to 1.

As of the time of writing this page, available capabilities are CF_CAPABILITY_IAM, CF_CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM, and CF_CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND. Detailed descriptions can be found in the AWS API documentation.

Available Computed Environment Variables»

To ease writing reusable scripts and hooks for your CloudFormation Stacks, the following environment variables are computed for each run: CF_METADATA_REGION, CF_METADATA_STACK_NAME, CF_METADATA_ENTRY_TEMPLATE_FILE, CF_METADATA_TEMPLATE_BUCKET.

Their values are set to the respective Stack settings.


You need to provide Spacelift with access to your AWS account. You can either do this using the AWS Integration, provide ambient credentials on private workers, or pass environment variables directly.


Please note that, currently, it is not possible to utilize separate read and write roles to your stack. This limitation exists because templates are uploaded during the planning phase, which requires the use of the write role.